About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug. 29 - Best day ever?

Declared the best day ever by both S and W. It started, for me, with a text from W at 9:30. I slept in because I was wiped out from the suphra. I’d invited him over a few times, because he has no running water and his family are Jehovah’s Witnesses, but every time he tried to come, something happened to interfere; torrential rain, no buses, crooked taxi drivers. So today, the sun was shining and W was coming over to enjoy the compound.
When he arrives, I introduce him to HM and Bebia. They ask all the regular questions, which I translate to W and help him answer in Georgian. One of the fist questions they ask is where is he living. Then he becomes known by his location, rather than his name. When I talk about my friends, the only one who gets a name is S, cuz she’s here often. While W is doing the visiting/ getting to know you thing, I get a text from S, asking if she can come over, because the power and water have been out at her place for days. I asked HM and she said yes, so S was on her way.
While we waited on S I gave W a tour of the compound, inside and out. He also feels that I live in the OC of Georgia. It’s funny, because he lives in a village called Sachino and Ryan on the OC came from Chino, so W thinks it’s a sign that he should move in here.
We went for a walk up to my school and decided to swim when we came back, cuz it was so hot outside. Being from Florida, W found the temperature of the pool very chilly, and he slowly entered down the ladder while I called him a baby and dove in. We had a lovely swim, until S texted that she was here.
S arrived just in time for lunch. I’ve never seen two people enjoy a meal more. HM and Bebia are fantastic cooks. I’m having issues because there’s not a lot of fiber here, but the food all tastes really good. My HD and his brother were just finishing up while we started, so he poured wine for us all. I did the toast-and-fake-sip trick that I learned from HM while S and W drank theirs down. When HD left, I poured my wine into their glasses and everyone was happy.
Stuffed and happy, we decided to watch some TV for a bit. So we ended up watching rebel tv which is a Polish music video station. They show the strangest videos. There’s a lot of political Eastern European bands mixed with stuff like Tom Petty and Ozzy Ozbourn and The Killers. It’s weird, but entertaining, even when we don’t know the songs.
By the time we went out to the pool, more people had arrived. A few cousins and some older people were all here. The old people stared at us while Bebia gave them the spiel. The kids were playing in the pool and we went down to join them. We were hanging out in and around the pool when W realized he should start making his way home before he got stranded. My HD wouldn’t let him leave and said that his brother would drive W home later.
About that time I got a text from A. She was visiting her host cousin in Kvirike and was coming by for a visit. She got there just as dinner was being served. So all the other people went down to eat by the pool, while the four of us foreigners hung out on the front porch catching up. We went down when most people had left the table (there were too many for one seating) and had a lovely dinner in the dark. If the lights are on, the bugs will come.
After dinner, we hit the TV room with the kids and visited for a bit. It was a weird vibe, though. It was almost like I am part of the family, but when there were four of us, they didn’t know what to make of it, so they mostly left us alone. Except for I who hung out with us instead of her much younger cousins. I also got the impression that HM wasn’t feeling very well, but nothing was said to me, and I didn’t know how to ask.
When everyone went home and W got his ride, HM said that S and A could stay. So we girls helped tidy the kitchen and retired to the upstairs living room. We recapped the day and took turns showering and eventually turned in. We all shared my bed, which is so big that even with 3 of us in it, we didn’t touch each other even once through the night. We stayed up super late discussing all sorts of things until we just couldn’t stay awake any longer.


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the posts. I know that it connects us all, but it's nice not just to get up, go to work, spend evenings with T & L, and go to bed. It feels like I am on an adventure with you. You seem like you are having a wonderful time (sometimes). Thanks, and luv ya.

Ray said...

It seems that you have made a lot of close friends.That's nice and I am happy for you. I love reading the blogs.Some of my friends at work ask how you are doing and it is nice to be able to tell them something other than,Still waiting for a letter or phone call.Miss you and have as much fun as you can get. Love Dad