About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct. 17 - Tea Time

I slept in again. I also threw in a load of laundry, since it was a glorious fall day and the sun was shining brightly. I have to do the wash when I can, because there is no dryer here and I have to hang everything outside to dry. Since the temperature has dropped, it takes at least 2 or 3 days to get things dry, and that’s only if it doesn’t rain.

Then I spent the morning reading. I have a Madeline L’Engle book out of the library. It was good, but more theological and philosophical than I had expected. Even so, I was in exactly the right mood for it and being a children’s book, I got through it very quickly.

In the afternoon, Co-teach called me to come over for lunch/ tea at her house, The whole thing was orchestrated by her mother, who has a 26 year-old, unmarried son. She wanted me to meet him. Luckily for me, he was shy and didn’t want to meet me, because he doesn’t speak English. He wouldn’t even come into the room, which was fine with me.

There was tons of food, in typical Georgian style. Also in typical Georgian style everything tasted a little off from what I was expecting. It was all good, just not what I would imagine, judging by how things looked. I did finally learn that the grape-puddingy-stuff is called pelamushi. Co-teach’s mom was really mad at her, because she didn’t tell her that I’m a vegitarian until the morning of and she was worried about what to feed me. I told her not to worry about it, but she was still upset.

After tea, I came home and the extended family was here. There was a car accident involving one of the neighbours (who is also a cousin) and everyone was very worried. I didn’t find this out until later, as I was on the phone for quite a while with Boston.

When I got off the phone and went downstairs to socialize, everyone else had disappeared, so I retreated back upstairs to English tv and my Kobo. I started reading the Three Musketeers and I’m really enjoying it. I was so stuffed from my afternoon tea that I didn’t have supper or a bed time snack. I watched tv until bed time and then went to sleep.


Dad said...

Val I'm catching up on your blogs and I would like to know where you found your kobo.Last I read you couldn't find it. Dad

Val said...

As mentioned in my Oct. 11 post, "I found my Kobo, right on my desk where I left it." At school.