About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm sick, but I've got good Karma

Sat Sept. 16th
Wow. I haven’t written in ages. Hm... where to start? I guess with a quick rundown of the week since last I wrote.
On Wed. Katherine and I went into Taipei. We had lunch at NY Bagel, where I had hoped to see the Jays game (they’re playing the Yankees) but ESPN was showing WNBA instead. From NY Bagel we went to the bookstore in Taipei 101 (a big building and mall). Right across from the bookstore we discovered the sweetest little bakery/café, called Amadeus. So we had dessert and then spent 2 hours in the bookstore. Neither of us bought anything; it was a little weird. Back in Banchiao we went to the grocery store and had dinner and then came home.
Thursday I went into work early to prep my adult class. At lunch Sam helped me with my Chinese and in the evening I taught my adult class. I also received the most ironic e-mail I have ever seen in my life. The worst student in my adult class asked me to make things more difficult because she is finding it too easy. She did this in an e-mail that only barely made sense. Her word choice was ridiculous. The grammar was atrocious and the syntax was all wrong. After class I came home to bed.
Yesterday I was exhausted. But I got through the day with my kids. We played duck duck goose and patty-cake for a total of 40 minutes in the afternoon, but it was Friday, what do they expect from me? After work K and I went into Taipei and had hot chocolate at Amadeus before seeing a movie. The hot chocolate was literally a glass of hot milk, served on a silver platter with a stick of pure chocolate (which you mix in yourself before the milk cools). I got mine with a shot of mint liqueur and K had hers with orange. The movie we went to see was Rogue Assassin (which was spelled Rouge Assassin at the box office). Jet Li and Jason Statham. So Good!!
Today I met Katherine at 8am for a nature walk. We went to Fulong, but stopped for a bit in Beitou Cape. It was enjoyable. The scenery was literally breathtaking(Beitou Cape). There were amazing waves all along the rocky coast. We even got to see a traditional parade in Beitou Cape. It was to honour the spirits, because it’s still ghost month. There was really loud music and firecrackers to scare away the ghosts and sexy girls dancing in the back of a wagon to entertain them. And, yes, I do have pictures and video of some of the cooler waves (Beitou Cape). But I can’t figure out how to post the videos, so it may be a while before they can be seen.
After the hike I had time for a quick shower and clothing change before going to meet everyone for Callum’s going away party. I walked over with my new roomie, Jason, and T’s girlfriend, Patrice.
The going away party consisted of dinner at Casa Della Pasta and KTV (Random Fun - Summer 2007). I could not have planned a better night. It was a little expensive, but private karaoke dance party? How could I resist? There were about 20 people for the dinner, but only 9 of us there for KTV. It was SUPER fun!! Because it caters mainly to Asian people there were some English standards missing (like Bohemian Rhapsody) but there was plenty there to fill up 3 hours. And there’s no stage, so everyone just passes the mic around while you sit on these lush couches. I have some hilarious video of Total Eclipse of the Heart.
The plan for tomorrow is sleep in (maybe until 8:30 *gasp with excitement) and then call Mom and Dad, who don’t check their e-mail often enough. Then I have to study my Chinese and find a present for Yvonne, because tomorrow night will probably be our last lesson. I should probably also start looking for a new Chinese tutor.

Mon Sept 17th
Being sick sucks. Especially when you’re a teacher and have no voice. Even tea’s not helping. Hopefully I’ll feel a little better tomorrow, cuz I have my adult class. 3 hours of talking is going to suck if my voice hasn’t come back. 5 hours of talking to kids with a co-teacher helping was bad enough.
I will say, though, that my kids were pretty good. They were much quieter than usual, because they knew I couldn’t talk. And one keeps asking me to go to his house to play Wii with him. It’s so cute. I’ll ask the class a question and he’ll put up his hand to answer. When I choose him, he babbles away in Chinese about me going to his house. My CT thinks it’s so funny, she can’t even translate it without laughing. Other than that it’s the same old, same old.
I must have done something seriously good in a past life. I lose my voice and a typhoon hits, just in time to cancel my longest day of classes. I just got phone calls from both of my bosses cancelling all of my classes for tomorrow. Now I have an entire extra day to sleep and recuperate. Of course, I’ll have to make up the classes eventually... Normally it would be on a Saturday, but this coming weekend is Moon Festival, so I don’t know what they’ll do.

Tues Sept 18th
Today was fantastic in it’s non-eventfulness. With the exception of a brief excursion to the 24 hour restaurant for lunch with Jason, I have not left the apartment all day. This is mostly due to the fact that it has been raining steadily since last night. And the wind is crazy strong. It’s actually blowing in through my air conditioner (which isn’t on) and cooling my room down.
So for today I’ve watched Chocolat. Then I watched The Covenant with Jason after watching him play the X-box for a while. In the evening, there was talk of getting a group together to hang out, so I suggested pool. But everyone else wanted to go see some Pierce Brosnan movie and I wasn’t into it. I’ve had my fill of iffy movies between Death Sentence and No Reservations. So I stayed home and reread Bachelorette Party. A much more enjoyable (and inexpensive) way to pass the time.
I am also feeling much better. It’s amazing what 10 hours of sleep will do for you when you’re sick. I also managed to go until 1pm without speaking a word, which helped my throat. It’s almost 100% better, although it’s still a little sore if I talk too much at once. I’m going to call it an early night again, in the hopes that good sleep will continue to increase my good health.

Wed. Sept 19th
Today, school was magnificent. The kids were fantastic. Everyone was in a great mood (in particular, I was very well rested). And even Sam was in high spirits. At lunch I went to the bank and got my bank account. I‘ve also finally sent home the letter for Jamie. I sent it by airmail, so it should be there within a couple of weeks. Otherwise, I’ve watched a couple of Buffy eps, done some laundry and walked to the grocery store. What a life of mystery and wonder I lead.

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