About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Clubbing and the rest of it.

Mon Oct 1
Saturday night was awesome in spite of a horrible start. First, Michelle was late, as always. And then when we had just gotten into the club, Di decided that she wanted food, and everyone else agreed, so we left right away. I was pissed cuz they were playing "Hips Don’t Lie" and I love that song. So we went for food. I had an utterly disappointing strawberry crepe and everyone else had French Fries. There was a really good jazz saxophonist playing in the square, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I could because I wanted to be in the club. But T did dance with me, in the square to the saxophone. That was fun.
Once we finally made it into the club I was dancing alone for a while, cuz Di and Katy went for drinks right away and Michelle had made T take a walk with her before they came down. Eventually everyone found me. (It wasn’t hard. Look for the blond girl right at the front.) Even Sam and Corrie popped up eventually. All in all the club was a ton of fun. And as much as I don’t like to listen to hip hop, I LOVE to dance to it. Almost everyone showed up, except Richard, who had to help someone study. But he sent a text and apologized.
After the club T, Michelle and I went for breakfast at NY bagel. I had yummy pancakes, which I made T finish because I was full. From breakfast we caught a cab home and I was in bed by a perfectly respectable 5:30am. I thought about calling home, but I was too tired.

Thurs Oct. 4
So, I had to leave for work in the middle of talking about my weekend. To continue, Sunday I just went to the beach. By myself. I caught the train (later than I had hoped to, thanks to my early morning bed time) and went to Fulong. I really needed some time to myself. And it was so much fun. The waves were amazing. They were literally breaking over my head I wish I had brought my camera, but if I had, I probably would’ve ruined it by dropping it in the ocean. When I got home, I watched a couple of eps of Heroes, then Jason came in and we traded stories about our days. He went to Fulong too, but at a different beach than me. He also went much earlier, since he had skipped the clubbing the night before.
Monday at school was interesting. A bunch of my kids were sick, so I was down to 10 from 15. It made my day so much easier. The rest of the day was completely uneventful. I was very refreshed from my day to myself. The only thing of note that happened was that the power on my computer went down again. That’s why I haven’t updated anything in ages.
Tuesday, I realized I missed Tracy’s birthday and I feel really bad about it. I meant to call, but the ideal time slipped away and with no computer, I couldn’t even send an e-mail. I’m SO sorry Trace!!!! I’ll make it up to you next year at our supreme birthdays bash. Tuesday night was also my first of 3 in a row adult classes. It was fine. I made my entire class sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star because no one did their homework. That was pretty fun.
Yesterday was day 2 in my adult class (the level is I2) marathon. It’s becoming pretty routine. But before that, I had a half day at preschool. Almost all of my kids were back, but they were still draggy from being sick, so they were easy to deal with. I’ve started teaching them "Skinnamarink-a-dinky-dink" and they love it. It’s so cute to see them doing the actions. After school, I went for lunch with Katy, Corrie, and Sam. Then Sam headed home and us girls headed into Taipei for a walk around the Chang Kai Shek (CKS) memorial. From there we moved into a cafĂ© where we had cake and drinks and gossiped about work and the people there. It was a truly girly afternoon.
I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. I was so relieved to be through my I2 class and only have preschool between me and my weekend. Then I realized that it was only Thursday. That’s how I started my day and it got worse from there. I’m so draggy and tired. I finished Heroes and my book last night, which really left with we no reason to get out of bed. And it was raining. I got to school and I think the kids caught my mood because they were terrible. I actually had to send 2 out of the classroom for misbehaving. And I still had my I2 class to look forward to.
Between classes I went for dinner with Katy at a vegetarian restaurant. I actually ate a 4 course meal. Salad, soup, entree and dessert (which was a plate of fruit, so not really dessert, but that’s what they called it). It was really good. I’m learning that I quite enjoy curry. And I’m building up a tolerance for spicy things. Yay me!
Once again, my I2 class was nothing to write home about (although I guess I just did). And now I’m at home, listening to Avril and The Weekend, unwinding. I've discovered that one of the books I've been waiting for is available to download right now and another is in stores very soon. My weekend is less than 17 hours away and I can’t wait. And tomorrow afternoon is the Oct Birthday Party at school, which means I don’t need to plan afternoon lessons. So, thanks to a little foresight I have all of my lessons planned and I just need to do last minute prep in the morning. Things are definitely looking up.

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