About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aug. 21 - same ol', same ol'

Haven’t written in a while, cuz nothing really exciting has happened. I spent an entire day lounging around here, reading and swimming. Another day was spent on the beach in Batumi with S and we met up with C (from Vancouver) for lunch. The food at the restaurant wasn’t great and the "pizza with vegetables" consisted almost entirely of mushrooms, with a couple of tomatoes and peppers thrown in. Also, they didn’t have any of the desserts that were on the menu, so we ended up with "chocolate" which was just a chocolate bar broken up into pieces and served on a plate.
That night S came back here and we had BBQ fish for dinner. Entire fish, with heads and eyes and everything. It actually tasted ok once I got over the fact that my dinner was looking at me. I was so glad that S was here to share it.
Yesterday, S and I spent the whole afternoon lounging around the pool. She was roasting in the sun, while I tried to stick to the shade. Wes tried to come, but the cabby was sketchy, so he got out, and then the bus to Kobuletti never came by. He waited at the bus stop for 45 minutes before giving up and going home. S stayed over again and accompanied my family on another round of visits.
We made plans to meet up today in Batumi, but it rained and rained and then there were scattered showers, so everyone is just hunkering down in their respective residences. But we had to get S home, so HD drove us to Kobuletti, so that she could catch a Marshutka. When the one we wanted didn’t stop, he chased it down, in the car, and got it to pull over and pick her up. She just called me, back safely in Batumi.
Throughout the afternoon we had a few visitors. And, of course, when anyone came, there had to be food laid out. When the first visitor left (after watermelon and cakes) it was time for lunch, which I was expected to eat some of. Then another visitor stopped by and we had more fruit and a different cake. Luckily, HM didn't try to feed me dinner until 9pm. I couldn't have eaten anything sooner than that.

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