About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oct. 30 - Party in the sakhlshi (aka house)

The storm was still goin’ strong and the winds were crazy. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I had originally wanted to go into Batumi a little early and try to buy costume pieces. But the weather was too bad to wander the unfinished streets of Batumi. So I lay in bed and read for most of the day. My costume degenerated from goddess to shark attack victim (inspired by my book), which only required my bikini, a roll of tp and a red marker. As soon as I left my cozy bed I decided that it was too freaking cold for a bikini and decided on the lamest costume ever; a small child, requiring only pj’s, and pigtails.

Boston, Joker, Lush and I were meeting at the Georgian restaurant for dinner before catching a ride to the party with Lush’s co-teacher. Gent’s house is in a village outside of Batumi, which we could get to by marshrutka, but if you can get a ride, take it. Since we weren’t meeting til 4:30ish, I left my house around 3:30, so that I had time to stop at Goodwill for provisions.

HD arranged for me to get a ride with his brother in law into Batumi. He dropped me at Goodwill and I quickly found everything that I wanted. As I was getting in the checkout line, I saw Joker, so I waited for him and we checked out together and headed across the street to the restaurant. We met the girls and ate and then stood outside in the pouring down rain waiting for our ride. With minor difficulty (and one wrong turn), we made it down the dark, narrow, twisty mountain road up to Gent’s house.

We all changed into our costumes and greeted the other party people. Everyone was dressed up and had creative costumes, especially given that there’s not a lot of costume pieces in Georgia. Since the speakers and plastic cups came with us, the party couldn’t really start until we’d gotten there.

But start it did. Mom (pretty self-explanitory, she's the responsible one), who’d done most of the organizing, had made super delicious brownies and arranged for everyone else to bring snacks and whatever they wanted to drink. There was tons of fantastic food, and I decided to have a screwdriver with ice cream. It was pretty delicious, but it seems my body can’t handle alcohol any more, because my stomach started rolling. So that was my first and last drink of the evening. That was fine, though, because other people more than made up for my lack.

When we got there I explored the house. The main party room was connected to Gent’s bedroom. There was a double door, with both sides propped open. I spent the first part of the night saying hey to everyone and catching up with people that I haven’t seen in forever. Then, everyone gradually seperated into cliques and I found myself hanging out with Boston and Joker (oh darn *snap*). We were typically catty and horrible and hilarious.

The music was pretty good and we were dancing and having a good time. Many pictures were taken and everyone was having a good time and probably drinking too much. Sadly, when Lush’s co-teacher was ready to go, Boston and Joker had to go with her. A few other people left too, but they didn’t bother me as much.

A while later, Hammer was no longer holding her alcohol. She puked and we put her to bed in Gent’s room, so that we could keep an eye on who was near her. I the tried to figure out sleeping arrangements for the 10 other people who were spending the night. Gent was useless, except for complaining about Hammer being in his bed.

While I was talking to the other sober people about sleeping arrangements, Lush and Chanchal were arguing with 2 Georgian guys in the corner and Gent decided to go to bed. Everyone gradually drifted to their respective beds and went to sleep.

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