About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept. 22 - Hump Day, if only

I was late going down to breakfast this morning (not that there seems to be any sort of routine), so by the time I got there, everyone was done but Bebia. When I had gotten my cereal and sat down she told me that HD was going away for 10 days. She told me where, but I didn’t understand, and I don’t know enough Georgian to ask her why. I assume it’s for business of some sort.

School was pretty good. Grade 12 had more kids than I’ve seen since last week, but I figure it’s because when I have that class on Monday and Friday, it’s the last class of the day. On Wed it’s period 2. They were really chatty, though, so I made one kid stand at the front, so he couldn’t talk to his neighbours and another kid walked out when I told him to stand at the front as well. I don’t much care. If he doesn’t want to learn, then I don’t want him in my class distracting the others. The grade 9 class was much better than normal, and it’s all because two of the boys were away. It changed the whole complexion of the class. I got my coffee grounds read again. It was pretty much the same stuff as last time.

After school, I had a snack. When I went through the living room, my host brothers were watching either Evil Dead or Evil Dead II. It was hilarious. Every time there was a kissing scene, HB1 changed the channel. He’d flip back and leave it, if the kissing was done, or change it again, if it wasn’t. It made me think of Princess Bride, when Fred Savage doesn’t want to here about the kissing parts. I eventually got fed up trying to hear the English through the Georgian dubbing, so I came upstairs and chatted with Boston and Sailor on the phone. I also watched tv.
Around 7ish I went downstairs to socialize and found the English-speaking neighbour and her sister visiting. So I played nice for a while and then got roped into an English lesson with HB1. While we were having the lesson, HB3 was walking through the room repeating his version of my name. It was really cute.

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