About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sept. 29 - Not sick yet

I’m still exhausted. Stupid virus. In spite of feeling ridiculously tired, I dragged myself to school. This is mostly because I have no other symptoms of illness (except for a scratchy throat). Wed is not a bad day for me, class wise, and I knew that I could get through it. I would probably have been fine, except that on my break between classes, 2 teachers who started English lessons in Kobuleti last night, came in to ask me to help them with their English.

They both had very much energy and the Georgian attitude of "I’m here now. Anything else you were planning to do will have to wait." This isn’t restricted to interactions with foreigners, either, this is culturally pervasive. Planning to go shopping, well, someone stopped by to visit, so you’ll have to change your plans. I can’t get over it and it kinda drives me crazy.

Also this morning, I received a novel of a text message from the Georgian English teacher that I met on the marshrutka on Saturday. She wanted to know when I would be coming to see her school and visit her house. There was a lot of other things too, but most are irrelevant, though she did conclude with, "Everything will be ok. I promise." Which, of course, leads me to believe that I have reason to worry. I mean, if things are actually going to be ok, you don’t need to say so, right?

When I got home, I had a much needed nap. But even an hour of sleep is not very helpful when the dreams are so action-packed. When I woke up, I felt like I hadn’t slept at all. My body did feel more rested though, so I spent about 45 mins helping Achi with his English homework. It’s amazing what he can figure out when you give him enough time and don’t just yell the answers at him.

I’ve read a little and watched some Veronica Mars. With my throat feeling as raw as it is, I’ve tried to avoid talking, though people keep calling me. During one phone conversation I did decide that if I feel this bad tomorrow, I’m not going in to school.

Just checked my e-mail and had the cutest message from Mr.Blue Eyes. God I love that kid. Those few sentences just perked me right up. But at the same time, they made me a little homesick. Moreso than I already was, just from being not-quite-sick.

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