About Me

I'm the thing that's not like the others.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oct. 3 - It's raining, it's pouring

I am still sick. I was getting better, but being the genius that I am, decided to go into Batumi today. Little did I know, it was pouring rain. I got soaked, and even now that I’m home and dry, my sniffles have not yet retreated. I feel like crap.

Here’s the rundown for the last few days; Thurs I went to school then came home and napped for an hour before eating and reading, Fri I stayed home sick and spent the whole day in and around bed, Sat I did more of the lounging thing and spoke to the home team on the phone. And today I needed supplies and wanted to attend a friend’s birthday gathering, so into Batumi I wandered.

Bebia flagged down a car to take me down the mountain, which means that I didn’t have to wait for the bus. Turns out, it was one of my students and his dad. It was a little awkward, but he was really sweet, so it ended up ok. Thanks to work on the tunnel, my bus took a super-fun (note the sarcasm) detour through the mountains. The road was long and twisty and my bus-ride, which usually takes 25 minutes, took an hour.

By the time I got into town, it was pouring. I ran into Goodwill to pick up my necessities, as well as birthday chocolates for my friend. I left Goodwill for the café and got there just as the sky opened up. I hung out, reading and drinking tea, for a while until Hammer showed up and we chatted about school and stuff.

After Joker and Boston arrived, we were joined by the birthday girl and left for the pizza place. Again the food was pretty good and there were a bunch of people already there waiting for us. After pizza we went back to the café for cake. Then I headed home. No buses were around, so I took a cab (didn’t want to be in the rain any more than I had been).

After I put away my purchases, I was walking through the upstairs tv room and heard a cat meow. When I looked, the cat was curled up on the couch, but he meowed when he saw me, because he knows I will always pet him. So I curled up with the cat and we watched some tv.

About half an hour later when the adults came home, they saw the cat and host mom freaked.
I said that the cat was there when I came home and I didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to be there (though I had suspected). So the cat got shooed out onto the balcony and I went and washed my hands. I don’t know if it’s because he’s outside, but my allergies really kick up with that cat. (Who, by the way, is called cat, just like Cat in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and kinda looks like the Cat in the movie.)

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